Friday, August 22, 2008

Community Overview

The City of Pacoima is a predominantly low-income, working class community in the northern region of the San Fernando Valley. Pacoima has over 101,000 inhabitants, with over 80 percent of whom identify as Latino, 8 percent are African American, 7 percent are Asian, Caucasian, and Native American. Of the total inhabitants, it is estimated that 46 percent meet the poverty guideline.

With a community that faces the hardships of violence, unemployment, and environmental pollution, they are resilient and hopeful about the future of their city.

15 yrs.-17 yrs.= 17,919
18 yrs.-24 yrs.= 17,538
35 yrs.-54 yrs. = 13,559
55 yrs+= 6,892

Educational Attainment: (Ages 25 and over)
69.20% = No High School Degree or Equivalent
15.41% = High School Degree or Equivalent
9.9% = Some college/No Degree

United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2007). Community Profiles 2007-Pacoima Beautiful, Pacoima, CA EPA Region 9. Retrieved August 25, 2008, from

United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2003). Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Grant Awards 2003- Pacoima Lead Poisoning Prevention Community Program. Retrieved August 25, 2008, from

Pacoima (City of Los Angeles)-Age and Education Attainment. (n.d.). Retrieved August 25, 2008, from

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