Friday, August 22, 2008

Mutual Aid

The San Fernando Valley is rich in mutual aid. The residents know their neighborhood has a bad reputation to the rest of LA County and they want to do something about it! As we all know, change takes time, and "The Valley" is a perfect example of how fortitude and determination pays off. As the people take back their neighborhood others can’t help but pay attention and join in. Here is just a small example of what Pacoima and Panorama City has to offer:
Communities In Schools: Along with many other individuals, there are ex-gang members working in the community to help at-risk youth find healthy alternatives to joining a gang and already existing gang members find a way out.
Pacoima Beautiful: Youth in the community working to make their neighborhoods beautiful. Soon they will have a graffiti cleanup day.
Boys and Girls Club: A fun and inexpensive place for kids to spend the day.
Hubert Humphrey Memorial Park Recreation: A place for kids to join the rest of their neighborhood in enjoying their park and all that their community has to offer.
Faith-based organizations: Churches in the area have programs and open their doors as a safe haven for the community.
Penny Lane: Located in North Hills, this is a social services agencies who seek to help at-risk families and children.
Work Source: This is part of the Employment Development Department for the State of California which provides services for people in need of a job.
Pacoima Community Center: This is a central location for city meetings and a place for business.

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